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Re: Black Net

On Wed, 20 Apr 1994, Sandy Sandfort wrote:

> C'punks,
> On Wed, 20 Apr 1994, Frederic Halper wrote:
> > Could all the shit with Blacknet STOP.  The wise (and funnny) sages of the list
> > have had they're fun at the expense of the newbies and other, so it's over.
> > Thanks,
> > Reuben Halper
> > . . .
> Gee, I was just getting to enjoy this BlackNet consentual alternate 
> reality.  Don't you just love the way Black Unicorn and others have woven 
> fact and fiction into such a tight paranoid delusion?  (Or is it?)
>  S a n d y

  I think Frederick is getting upset because BlackNet refuses to accept 
his application.  But what can you expect... most high school kids just 
don't have information worth money or BN Credits.
