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Re: Zimmermann charges NOT dropped

At 9:04 PM 2/5/95, Timothy C. May wrote:

>Anyway, my apologies. I sometimes think I am talking to the 20-30 of
>you who post regularly, and can thus feel free to ask about a report
>I've heard. But, as Hal Finney and others have also discovered, this
>is not the case...boundaries are changing in cyberspace.

Very true. I tend to forget that this list isn't just composed of the few
co-conspirators I sometimes tend to believe to know so well from their

 How was Monte Carlo? I used to live in Nice for some years and made it to
Monte Carlo once in a while. <Hmm, haven't been in Europe for years, London
is really nice in April. All the lawns are covered in daphodyls. Got to get
some tickets tomorrow.>

-- Lucky Green <[email protected]>
   PGP encrypted mail preferred.