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Re: Linking = Showing = Transferring?

On Fri, 15 Sep 1995, Duncan Frissell wrote:

> On Thu, 14 Sep 1995, Lucky Green wrote:
> > The answer is trivial. If it pisses of the fascists in power enough, you
> > go to jail or get killed.

> As a libertarian nut, I bow to no one in my love of extreme statements.  
> But I feel compelled to sqaush this particular notion whenever I see it.  
> Randy Weaver really pissed off the Feds and did not go to jail (except 
> during trial) and received a $3.1 million settlement.  (.1 to him, 3 to 
> the kids but they are minors).

Not quite squashed, Duncan.  Bullet placement (poor by some standards)
is all that prevented Mr. Weaver from croaking like his unfortunate wife.
She is said to have "pissed off" the feds but was not charged with a
single actionable item yet she remains quite dead.

Unless I have missed somthing somewhere, no TLA is concerned in the slightest
with individual liberty.  That notion should keep a rational person awake
