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Re: [NOISE] Unabomber - crypto-anarchist?!?

| On Tue, 19 Sep 1995, Timothy C. May wrote:
| > Still, his writing style and some of his points seem close enough to some
| > of my own points, not to mention his Northern California nexus and
| > estimated age, that I'm expecting more inquiries (I deflected one already
| > 
| > After the call from the Sheriff's office about my alleged activities, I
| > wonder....
| Tim May, the UNABOMBER ... too funny for words, hehehe ;)

A frame-up, I bet! What bothers me is that the it makes sense from a
certain twisted kind of view. Discrediting the group that actually
is a problem when it comes to ITAR, and recently has had good
publicity. And Tim being one of those who spotted Clipper coming,
early on. 

And the punch line; 
  "Look the terrorists and the crypto anarchists are the SAME guys!"

(Tim, not that I agree with your political views, but many Swedes
are like that. ;-) )

Why is it that my conspirational sides has blossomed once I joined
this group? I've posted more severely conspiritional posts recently
than I've done in my whole previous Inet presence. I gotta stop. :-)
