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Re: a new idea: stocks == currency

At 18:22 12/26/95 -0800, Vladimir Z. Nuri wrote:
>...An I believe that future company
>stock will be considered a kind of currency issued by the company. when
>you are buying and selling stocks, what you are really doing is buying
>and selling currencies backed by different corporate entities. 

Here are some differences between stocks and currencies.  I don't know how
they effect your arguments, but I do invite comment:

                                Stocks                  Curriences

(1) Voting                      Most stock              Based on residency
                                inplies voting          not net worth

(2) Reputation availability     Many stocks,            Few curriencies,        
                                reputations hard to     reputations well known

(3) Legal backing               Based on government     same

(4) Dividends                   Commonly payed          never heard of it

Bill Frantz                   Periwinkle  --  Computer Consulting
(408)356-8506                 16345 Englewood Ave.
[email protected]             Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA