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Re: Is Dr Fred Cohen a Loon???

At 08:15 PM 12/30/95 EST, you wrote:
>In my experience, people who get so hysterical when a Ph.D. calls himself or
>herself Dr. are invariably Ph.D. dropouts who wasted many years of their lives
>trying and failing to attain a Ph.D. and are bitterly envious of those who have
   Well, my experience is exactly the opposite: the
ones who have to brandish the "Ph.D." label are the
ones who were the least secure in their abilities,
and the ones who seem least deserving of having ever
graduated.  Often the same folks who feel compelled
to put "Dr." in their 'from' lines.  
   This is from one of the numerous people on this
list who have Ph.D.s and who don't wear them on
their sleeves (and who only "wasted" 3 years of his
life in getting one)...
