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Re: Can We Cut the Crap?


> [email protected] (Timothy C. May) writes:
> > There is no point in the back-and-forth of insults, "Dr. Fred is a loon,"
> > "Alice is Detweiler," and other such nonsense. If you don't want to read
> > the comments of Fred Cohen, Dimitri Vulis, Alice whatever,
> > Vlad/Lance/Larry/Pablo, then just don't read them! Filter them out, delete
> > them immediately, read them briefly, whatever.
> Or Chris Shalutis, or Ed Carp, or Perry Metzger...
> Too bad [email protected] can't be instructed not to send contributions from
> certain folks to certain other folks.  I guess I'll have to figure out how
> to use procmail with this thing after all.

Hey, Dimitri?  That's what it's *for*!  This is not about censorship, or 
is it?  Is that what you're suggesting?

No one is forcing you to read anything I, or anyone else, says.  If you 
don't like it, the 'd' key is somewhere on your keyboard.  Or is that too 
much manual labor for you?  Grrr...
- --
Ed Carp, N7EKG    			[email protected], [email protected]
					214/993-3935 voicemail/digital pager
					800/558-3408 SkyPager
Finger [email protected] for PGP 2.5 public key		[email protected]

"Past the wounds of childhood, past the fallen dreams and the broken families,
through the hurt and the loss and the agony only the night ever hears, is a
waiting soul.  Patient, permanent, abundant, it opens its infinite heart and
asks only one thing of you ... 'Remember who it is you really are.'"

                    -- "Losing Your Mind", Karen Alexander and Rick Boyes

Version: 2.6.2
