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Re: Crypto anarchist getting through customs

On Tue, 16 Jan 1996, Alan Horowitz wrote:

> The notorious questionaire to the SEALS wasn't an official action. It was 
> one lieutenient doing an assignment for a night class.
> I never said that the federal government was good, or nice, or useful. 
> Alan Horowitz
> [email protected]

	that's the bullshit they would like you to believe.

	in the first place, under military regs, a degree research would 
    be illegal without full permission.  It also was not given to just one
    unit, but to many ==and all identified ones were either SEALS or
    USMC recon and special units --why just he elite and why so many
    groups --all with a blessing...?

	you take your liberal idealism and see how long you have your 
    freedom. your probably one of those who would say "...I have the
    gold so I can buy the gun!" to which I would say, "...ah, but I have 
    the gun, so I will have both your gold and my gun."

	no, I don't follow Bo Geitz, or belong to any of the militias,
    but I expect I am a bit more pragmatic than a liberal.

    go not unto usenet for advice, for the inhabitants thereof will say:
      yes, and no, and maybe, and I don't know, and fuck-off.
_________________________________________________________________ attila__

    To be a ruler of men, you need at least 12 inches....