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Re: Crippled Notes export encryption

Dan Weinstein writes:
 > [email protected] (Mike McNally) Wrote:
 > > Dan Weinstein writes:
 > >  > >By the way, I really think Netscape should simply ship Jeff and other
 > >  > >people to the Amsterdam office...
 > >  > 
 > >  > Wrong, this would be a violation of ITAR.
 > > 
 > > I don't understand; are you saying Jeff's brain is a munition under
 > > the ITAR?
 > I forget how it is termed in ITAR, but expertise can't be exported 
 > either.

Uhh, I'd like a second opinion please doc.  Are you suggesting that
whenever anybody with cryptographic expertise (like, maybe, anybody on
this mailing list) leaves the country we're in violation of munitions
export laws?

Is somebody who knows how to build a rocket in the same boat?

 > like I suggested before any programers who gained their knowledge of 
 > crypto programing in the U.S. and then went abroad and developed 
 > crypto software would be in danger of prosecution under ITAR if they 
 > ever returned to the U.S..

This sounds fishy to me.  I don't recall reading anything to suggest
that export of cryptographic software (or any other munition) requires
that the stuff be *used* outside the US for an offense to be
committed; why should export of a cryptographer's wetware be any
different?  Either the expertise leaves the country or it doesn't, I'd

| Nobody's going to listen to you if you just | Mike McNally ([email protected]) |
| stand there and flap your arms like a fish. | Tivoli Systems, Austin TX    |