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Re: "Concryption" Prior Art

Death rays from Mars made [email protected] (Peter Wayner) write:

>I haven't read the supposed Concryption patent so I don't know
>what the claim structure is. But if they truly claim the right
>to do encryption and compression simultaneously, then I've got
>some prior art that should knock out such a broad claim. The
>paper is "A Redundancy Reducing Cipher" (Cryptologia, May 88).
>It's not very secure, but it does do some manner of encryption
>at the same time as compressing a file with a Huffman-like
>system. The journal is found in many university libraries so it
>should be easy to produce a solid counterclaim.

There's a much earlier paper by Frank Rubin in a 1979 Cryptologia which
covers encryption+compression with Huffman and arithmetic coding.
However the Con-cryption patent covers first compressing, then
encrypting.  Unless they've got very good lawyers, you can probably
ignore it.
