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Re: Bad news from Judge Richey

At 10:35 PM 4/4/96 EST, Dr. Dimitri Vulis wrote:
>"E. ALLEN SMITH" <[email protected]> writes:
>> 	Umm... one would guess that a federal judge would be against the
>> whole Assasination Politics idea, whether or not he himself became a target.
>It's worth noting that one of the new newsgroups that Rich Graves mentioned is:
>talk.politics.assassination             Assassination Politics
>My congratulations to Jim Bell on getting his own newsgroup!

Hey, it's news to me!  I'll have to check it out...   BTW, are you sure it's 
not an old one?  After all, there have been enough assassination conspiracy 
theory discussions (Lincoln, Huey Long, JFK, RFK, King, etc) over the 
decades that I'm sure they'd merit a discussion area.

Jim Bell
[email protected]