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Re: Bad news from Judge Richey

At 11:33 PM 3/25/96 tcmay wrote:

jim bell: >talk to Jim Bell about implementing a program using 
encryption that doesn't
>_need_ to be exported...legally anyway.

tcmay: You're coming perilously close to actually calling for 
the killing of a  federal judge. My recollection is that a 
couple of folks have been arrested  and charged for calling for 
the killing of judges.


Any half-wit falling for agent provocateur Bell's rap will do 
hard time, or maybe get popped "in self-defense" by his TLA 

The son-of-a-bitch's baiting pigeon traps, no question. He's 
too myopic to see how he's luring falcons for attack by 
high-circling eagles. Bell's going down blind-sided with his 