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Re: Word lists for passphrases

Ben Holiday wrote:
> If you have access to a shell, and to the news spool, you can generate
> some quick lists by hopping into the directory of any newsgroup that
> interests you and doing:
> cat * | tr -cs A-Za-z '\n' | tr A-Z a-z | sort | uniq > my-big-ol-wordlist
> With most unixes that will generate an alphabetized list of all the unique
> words in your source text, converted to lowercase. I've had some problems
> with tr on a few machines, however. Adding a '-c' after 'uniq' will tell
> you how many times each word occured (useful for grepping out words that
> appear too infrequently, or too frequently) .. 

Actually I am fairly sure that your selection of words will be mediocre
at best. There are words (such as nethermost, insatiable, insufferable)
that are almost never used in news.

	- Igor.