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Re: Responding to Pre-dawn Unannounced Ninja Raids

Lucky Green wrote:
> At 21:55 7/21/96, Igor Chudov @ home wrote:
> >As I said, the kid who hit me in the head with a stick was 3-4 years
> >younger than me. You skipped that part. Correspondently, I could beat
> >him easily (I did, but his mother soon interrupted me), which was
> >obvious to him. So he had plenty of information that would deter a
> >rational person. He had all the reasons to "to curb his impulse", as
> >you said, and he could have thought about his punishment.
> Yes, he hit you. But the question relevant to this discussion is: would he
> have hit you had you been carrying a firearm, risking not just being beat
> up, but death itself? I sincerely doubt it. In fact, one could say that you
> were hit *because* you didn't carry a firearm. The truth is, an armed
> society is a polite society.

The threat was sufficient for him to make a rational choice. He did
NOT make a rational choice.

I ran out of arguments, so I'll stop right here.

	- Igor.