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Re: Counting the lies in Vulis' spam

Vulis, the archives speak for themselves.  Lie all you want, anyone with 
half a brain can do a net search on the word vulis and see the lying crud 
you've posted all over the net.  It's that simple.

Translation (since you are clueless) "Nice try NSA mole, but try harder 
next time."  Maybe you need to take some propaganda lessons from your NSA 
masters, it appears you are perhaps rusty in such techniques. 

.+.^.+.|  Ray Arachelian    | "If  you're  gonna die,  die  with your|./|\.
..\|/..|[email protected]|boots on;  If you're  gonna  try,  just |/\|/\
<--*-->| ------------------ |stick around; Gonna cry? Just move along|\/|\/
../|\..| "A toast to Odin,  |you're gonna die, you're gonna die!"    |.\|/.
.+.v.+.|God of screwdrivers"|  --Iron Maiden "Die With Your Boots on"|.....
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