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Embarrass a Marylander, Go to Jail

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Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 19:25:51 -0500 (EST)
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Subject: Embarrass a Marylander, Go to Jail
X-orig-from: Randy Cassingham <arcie@netcom.com>
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Forwarded by Robert Hettinga

Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 14:37:56 -0700 (MST)
 From: Randy Cassingham <arcie@netcom.com>
 Subject: Embarrass a Marylander, Go to Jail
 To: listmom-talk@skyweyr.com
 Mime-Version: 1.0
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Passed on without comment.

  /  Randy Cassingham  *  Author, "This is True"  *  arcie@netcom.com  \
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 Excerpted from...

 AOP Bulletin      Friday, February 3, 1997       Volume 97:05

 The following is information distributed to members of the
 Association of Online Professionals and others involved in the
 online communications industry.  Contacts and other information
 about AOP may be found at http://www.aop.org.

 Maryland Recycles Law On "Annoying" E-Mail

 A Maryland bill that would make it illegal to send "annoying"  or
 "embarrassing" e-mail was introduced this week by Democratic General
 Assembly member Samuel Rosenberg.

 The bill got little support when it was introduced last year, but
 Rosenberg hopes to play off of recent murders involving electronic mail to
 see the bill passed.

 Civil liberties groups argue that the law would be unconstitutional, and
 that the terms "annoy" and "embarrass"  are too vague to be meaningful.
 If passed, House Bill 778 would amend the state's criminal harassment law
 to prohibit the use of email to annoy, abuse, torment, harass, or
 embarrass other people, with violators receiving a fine up to $500 and
 three years in jail.

 A similar bill introduced last year is quietly progressing through New
 York's state legislature. Senate Bill 1414, introduced by Democratic State
 Senator Ray Goodman, could be voted on in the House early this year.

 Full text of the Maryland bill can be found at

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Interturge: Rodney Thayer <mailto:rodney@sabletech.com>
HTMLurgist: Cynthia Zwerling <mailto:czrider@@webstuff.apple.com>

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Robert Hettinga (rah@shipwright.com), Philodox
e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"Never attribute to conspiracy what can be
explained by stupidity." -- Jerry Pournelle
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