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mail list / sequence number & signature
Have the list maintainers ever considered either or both of the
(Sorry in advance if this has been brought up sometime in the past.)
o adding a digital signature from "owner-cypherpunks@toad.com", so
someone can't mass mail the mailing list and make it appear that
the message came from toad.com.
I just tried to figure out if the id in the header is in any order
but I couldn't tell. I have already deleted many messages so some
numbers are missing anyway.
o adding a sequence number to every message which comes through
toad.com, so recipients can easily notice if mail is be
accidentially or intentionally filtered by their service provider or
any other forces. At the same time, you could add the current
numbers for flame vs. non-flame. This would help end all the
bandwidth wasted on people speculating about the numbers.
say there are X total messages, Y non-flames, and Z flames then
the appearance to subscriber (either in the subject or some
header field) could be...
type | all non-flame flame
---- | --- --------- -----
non-flame | X (non-flame Y) Y (all X)
flame | X (flame Z) Z (all X)
Of course... these are my opinions, not my employer's.
Corey Minter |
cminter@mipos2.intel.com |