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Re: ANNOUNCEMNT: February 1997 Cypherpunks Bay Area Meeting

Could someone who is planning to go tomorrow's cpunks physical meeting
provide a short account of the interesting news to the list?



> What:   San Francisco Bay Area Cypherpunks monthly physical meeting
> Agenda: 11:++	setup, gossip, face feeding etc.
> 	12:00	USG Export 'Laws' of the week, Roz Thomsen, PGP inc.
> 	13:00	PGPmail & PGPdisk overview, Dave Del Torto, PGP inc.
> 	14:00	Break
> 	14:30   Announcements, late breaking news, etc.
> 	15:00	The 3 hour 40bit challenge, Ian Goldberg, UCBstudent
> 	16:00   Why bother killing the list?, Hugh Daniel
> 		Future Meeting Planing, IPSEC Update, etc.
> 	17:00	This hour left bank for future expansion...