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Re: NSA Rainbow Series.
Zip,NAda,Nothing. And they have more too. They were backlogged so
some people haven't gotten their mail since I last posted about. I called
yesterday about my videos and posters and lo and behold I received my two
tech manuals today.
The people who answer the lines are friendly and usually pretty
industrious in getting things out or done.
By the way there is supposed to be a department split in the near
future so I don't know if manuals will be in one department and posters in
another or what.
On Wed, 12 Feb 1997, Tobin Fricke wrote:
> Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 18:03:35 -0800
> From: Tobin Fricke <tobin@edm.net>
> To: Moroni <moroni@scranton.com>, Genocide <gen2600@aracnet.com>
> Cc: Cypherpunks Mailing List <cypherpunks@toad.com>
> Subject: Re: NSA Rainbow Series.
> > 1-800-688-6115 press 0 or just wait for the operator. My second
> > order consisting of posters and video has not arrived either. It has been
> > about 6 weeks. The Rainbow order was only 2 weeks. Be prepared that when
> > you order the Rainbow series you will be getting a large box.Their are
> > something like 30+ booklets in the series.
> > There is a set of security posters that include a Santa
> > poster.And there is also a video with two films on it (Acess Ins and outs
> > adb Acess Control).
> How much does all this stuff from the NSA cost?
> Tobin Fricke
> (please reply privately, tobin@mail.edm.net)
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