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Private property rights on cypherpunks
I forward articles to cypherpunks that are copyrighted by my employers, or
magazines like Playboy and Wired for which I write freelance pieces.
I like to think these articles have some value. I will not forward any of
them, nor would I be able to, if they magically became "public domain."
"De facto public domain" is an idea that deserves to die. Now.
On Wed, 12 Feb 1997, Jim Choate wrote:
> Forwarded message:
> > Date: Tue, 11 Feb 1997 22:46:03 -0800
> > From: Greg Broiles <gbroiles@netbox.com>
> > Subject: List for discussing many majordomos
> > Yes, this is a good idea. One of the proponents of the "many majordomos"
> > project apparently has plans to impose his own ideas about intellectual
> > property on the project, and this seems like a pretty serious thing for a
> > setup that's allegedly going to prevent censorship. We need a place to
> > discuss this.
> Please explain how making submissions de facto public domain censors
> anyone?
> Jim Choate
> CyberTects
> ravage@ssz.com