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Subj:  [Fwd: New Internet Tax--Can YOU Afford It?]
Date:  Wed, 12 Feb, 1997 05:00 PM EDT
From:  pentiumpower@internetx.net

You have until tomorrow to protest the new Internet "tax" which the FCC
will be entertaining.  Here is the message which I sent out to everyone
that I could.  I suggest that you spread this message as QUICKLY as
possible.  It is extremely important the FCC be bombarded by messages
and then maybe, just MAYBE, we'll beat this thing!  This is a VERY
SERIOUS ISSUE!!!!  It is extremely important and will determine whether
or not the Internet continues to be available to all of us or just those
who can afford massive fees.  Figure it out, $.10 per minute is $6.00
per hour and this doesn't include your present monthly fees!  Are YOU
going to be willing or able to pay it!

The following is a message which I sent out a week ago.  

The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is entertaining the
possibility of permitting the telecommunications industry to impose a
per minute charge on Internet Service Providers (ISPs).  This charge
will, obviously, be passed directly on to the user; US!  Needless to
say, this new "tax" will increase the cost of access to the Internet
tremendously!  I strongly believe that this will curtail the growth of
the Internet dramatically.  At a time when access to knowledge and
learning is at an all time high, this additional "tax" will impose an
incredible burden on the average user, to say nothing of very likely
forcing many smaller ISPs out of business.  In addition, this will cause
an extremely adverse affect on the rural user who does not have toll
free access to the larger ISPs, i.e., AOL, Prodigy and others.  If you
feel as I do, drop an Email message to the FCC who has requested
comments.  Their address is:  mailto:isp@fcc.gov  You may "click"
directly on the address which will bring up an Email message box in most
programs.  Add your comments, pro or con, and send it off!  

Deadline for all comments is Thursday, February 13, 1997!

My message follows.

Allowing the imposition of a per minute charge on Internet use will not
only destroy the growth of the Internet, it flies in the face of
improving the education of our children.  Published figures indicate
that--for the first time in decades--the television is being replaced by
the computer.  This growth, undoubtedly, will be wiped out by this
proposed new "tax".  In addition, to virtually eliminating access to
sources of information over the entire world, no small Internet Service
Provider (ISP) will be able to compete with the larger ones who will be
able to negotiate lower rates.  Another "kick in the pants" to small

I summarily reject allowing the telecommunications industry to "reach
into the pockets" of those of us who use the Internet (and rely on it)
for our access to information!  This single act--if permitted--will set
back the "information age" decades!


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