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Re: NSA Rainbow Series.

On Wed, 12 Feb 1997, Tobin Fricke wrote:

	Turns out they were just late in gettin it to me, but I did get

> >        1-800-688-6115 press 0 or just wait for the operator. My second
> > order consisting of posters and video has not arrived either. It has been
> > about 6 weeks. The Rainbow order was only 2 weeks. Be prepared that when
> > you order the Rainbow series you will be getting a large box.Their are
> > something like 30+ booklets in the series.
> >         There is a set of security posters  that include a Santa
> > poster.And there is also a video with two films on it (Acess Ins and outs
> > adb Acess Control).
> How much does all this stuff from the NSA cost?
> Tobin Fricke
> (please reply privately, tobin@mail.edm.net)

Head of the Genocide2600 Group

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	It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.
	It is by the Mountain Dew that the thoughts acquire speed,
	the lips acquire stains, the stains become a warning.
	It is by caffeine alone that I set my mind in motion.