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Re: (2) More on Digital Postage
on or about 970213:0902 "Timothy C. May" <tcmay@got.net> said:
+At 5:00 AM +0000 2/13/97, Attila T. Hun wrote:
+> unfortunately, until the irresponsible tone down their greed, we
+> need the regulation to protect ourselves from the predators.
+> in other words, I agree with you in my heart, but our society
+> refuses to cooperate.
+Attila and I have had this disagreement before (last time it involved
+Attila's support for curfews).
+Attila is free to hire agents to screen his mail so he does not receive
+spam. He is not free, in a free society, to force such screeners upon
very true. if you if define that your freedom includes the free
abuse of your freedoms by others. freedom is a two way street;
freedom in my book says that I can do anything I wish which does
not infringe on the rights of others. now, that implies that I can
_personally_ exact justice on those who violate my space. this is
a state of war which even Jim Bell's AP does not cover --AP is just
an anonymous and chicken-hearted way of settling the score, and
creates its own code even more absurb than the rules coming down
from Washington.
and, I can not imagine you really believe the basic animals of our
society and the predators who attempt to feed upon us all do not
need to be restrained in one way or another. you obviously have
a solution: your .44 (I prefer a full choke 12 ga pump).
maybe the comment in my sig line is an expression of the suppressed
feelings of the frustrated members of our society who have been
confronted by the inequities of our legal system when they expected
redress was their right.
+Talking about "irresponsible tones" and "greed" and how we need more
+laws to protect ourselves from "predators" sounds more like something
+from the Marin County limousine liberal set than from a Utah mountain
+man Cypherpunk. I'm shocked, simply shocked.
shocked, simply shocked? (:-}) marin county? I'm insulted <g>
tell you what: you run afoul of us out here on the "mountain" where
there is no need for social niceties --we just call it "range law."
"Explain to me, slowly and carefully,
why if person A, when screwed over on a deal by B;
is morally obligated to consult, pay, and defer to, person C
for the purpose of seeing justice done;
and why person C has any legitimate gripe,
if A just hauls off and smacks B around like a dead carp."
"attila" 1024/C20B6905/23 D0 FA 7F 6A 8F 60 66 BC AF AE 56 98 C0 D7 B0
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Comment: No safety this side of the grave. Never was; never will be