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Re: (2) More on Digital Postage
Timothy C. May allegedly said:
> By the way, I think the "junk fax" and "junk phone call" laws are clearcut
> violations of the First Amendment.
You are entitled to any tortuous idiosyncratic opinion you care to
hold, of course.
> I understand why the herd _wants_ these
> laws, as it reduces the costs involved in replacing fax paper, running to
> the telephone only to find someone trying to sell something, etc., but it
> is quite clearly a prior restraint on speech, however well-intentioned.
"Prior restraint" is not a magic key. Not all speech is protected.
Of course, once again, you are free to disagree with the massive
body of legal precedent on this issue.
Kent Crispin "No reason to get excited",
kent@songbird.com,kc@llnl.gov the thief he kindly spoke...
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