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Re: Procmail during the transition, anyone?

A while back, I experimented with a technique for adding an md5 based
message-id at the top of my procmailrc.  Never got it working.  I'll
give it another shot middle of March, when I get back from FC '97*,
and catch up on stuff.

Someone could of course, beat me to it.

The flow was:

all messages get piped into md5, then use formail to set a new header.


Derek Atkins wrote:
| Anil Das <das@sgi.com> writes:
| [snip]
| > It detects duplicates by Message-Id.
| Unfortunately, the messages that make it through to the cypherpunks
| list have their MessageID changed when they get approved.  So,
| checking for duplicates by MessageID fails, given the current approval
| mechanism. :(
| I've informed Sandy of the problem, but he doesn't know how to
| preserve the original MessageIDs.
| -derek
| -- 
|        Derek Atkins, SB '93 MIT EE, SM '95 MIT Media Laboratory
|        Member, MIT Student Information Processing Board  (SIPB)
|        URL: http://web.mit.edu/warlord/      PP-ASEL      N1NWH
|        warlord@MIT.EDU                        PGP key available

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