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Re: anonymous remailers
I don't know what you're talking about. Who is "cypherpunks," and who are
you? Please don't answer...I'm just trying to figure out how I started
getting these wierd e-mails from people I never heard about discussing
something I never cared about.
I truly want you to have a great life...but please leave me out of it.
> From: Mark M. <markm@voicenet.com>
> To: cypherpunks@toad.com
> Subject: Re: anonymous remailers
> Date: Saturday, February 08, 1997 11:11 AM
> On Sat, 8 Feb 1997, Jeremiah A Blatz wrote:
> > Ummm, if you run your own remailer, and don't get lots of people to
> > use it, then traffic analysis will reveal that you are the sender
> > quite quickly. It will pretty much make everything in the chain before
> > your remiler useless. If you send your message through remailers a, b,
> > c, and d like this:
> >
> > you -> a -> b -> c -> d -> alt.drugs.and-other-various-horsemen
> >
> > and only you use c, then your effective chain is:
> >
> > someone who could only be you -> d ->
> This is assuming that it is a reasonable assumption that all traffic
> through remailer c originated from the owner. If there is one
> remailer in the chain before c, then this would not be a valid assumption
> because traffic from the owner would be indistinguishable from traffic
> by anyone else. If the remailer has low traffic, the solution is, of
> to make it higher traffic. Chain a bunch of messages that get sent to
> /dev/null through the remailers, being sure to include c somewhere in the
> middle of the chain. If Mixmaster is used, then it would be virtually
> impossible to differentiate between "real" messages and messages destined
> /dev/null. It would be a little easier with Type I since the size of the
> ciphertext decreases after each hop. This all assumes that encryption is
> used, of course.
> Mark
> Version: 2.6.3
> Charset: noconv
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