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Re: POST: The Frightening Dangers of Moderation

Ok...this is the fourth junk e-mail I've received that I don't want.  Your
account is in jeapordy, and my advice is for you to just stop sending me
this junk.  Take me off your e-mail list, NOW.  
If this e-mail from me, being mad at you, is what makes you happy, and is
how you have fun, then you just have a personal problem and I feel sorry
for you.  
Do what you can to heal yourself...meanwhile, don't send me anymore...your
isp provider is next on my e-mail list.

> From: Dale Thorn <dthorn@gte.net>
> To: freedom-knights@jetcafe.org; cypherpunks@toad.com
> Cc: Against Moderation <antimod@nym.alias.net>; InterNet Freedom Council
> Subject: Re: POST: The Frightening Dangers of Moderation
> Date: Saturday, February 08, 1997 10:54 AM
> ??? wrote:
> [some text deleted]
> > > Before I explain what has happened, I want to make one thing
> > > absolutely clear.  Though I've thought the moderation of cypherpunks
> > > was a terrible idea from the start and am even more convinced of it
> > > now, I don't assign any blame to Sandy.  I believe he offered to
> > > moderate the list with the best of intentions, and I sincerely
> > > appreciate his efforts to try to revive what was once a fantastic
> > > mailing list, even if in my opinion those efforts have backfired.
> This is the fatal mistake, assuming it's really a mistake.
> I've worked under several corporations where, at a certain
> point in time, things just "went crazy", and the owners/
> managers were scrambling desperately to plug as many holes
> in the dike as they possibly could, to no avail.
> People don't understand why things just "go crazy" at a particular
> point, and so they accept the coincidence theory ruse, lacking any
> other evidence.  Use your head, folks.  This is not a list made up
> of sewing-circle nannies, these are security people, NSA, CIA, and
> all the ugly things you shut out of your conversations because you
> don't want to admit the truth.  "Paranoia is a way of knowing".
> Today I saw an old picture of Albert Einstein in full Indian regalia,
> smoking a peace pipe with some Hopi people.  I thought of the Capone
> mob and the "kiss of death", or Judas and Jesus, you get the picture.
> So Einstein puts his name and reputation and personal seal of approval
> on the creation of the Doomsday Device, the atom bomb, knowing full
> well that it will be used to murder millions of people. What does he
> do for an encore?  Plants the "kiss of death" on the Hopis, whose
> environment is co-opted by the mad bombers and their Nazi-infested
> thug "scientist" cohorts, for the experimentation and storage of
> nuclear and other hazardous materials.  You know, Nevada, Arizona,
> New Mexico, all those "useless, desert lands" occupied by the
> Indians.