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The Konformist: The Chamish Files - The Rabin Hit CONT

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Subj:  rubin's secret testimony
Date:  Sun, 09 Feb, 1997 10:59 AM EDT
From:  chamish@netmedia.net.il

 THE AMIR-RUBIN DEBATE:             

The author is privy to an important document withheld from the media and
public. It is the testimony of Yitzhak Rabin's personal bodyguard Yoram
Rubin taken from the protocols of the trial of Yigal Amir, the alleged
assassin of Rabin. As we recall, Rubin was the bodyguard who jumped on Rabin
after Amir's alleged first shot and took his second shot in the arm.

What is surprising about the secret testimony is how mundane it is compared
to what Rubin testified to in open court. That testimony is far more damning
to his credibility.

The secret testimony begins with the court asking Rubin why the session
should be closed. Rubin replied, "I don't mind being photographed but within
my story I could touch on matters that I wouldn't want made public."

A representative of the intelligence services then explained that operating
procedures and details of secret servicemen should not be publicized. The
defence argued that the court could decide whether to procede after hearing
its questions. The argument did not sway the judges and they decided to hold
the session in camera and afterwards sign a declaration that they heard
testimony denied the public.

The final declaration of the three judges Levy, Rothlevy and Mordick read
that, "To prevent speculation, we must relate that the previous testimony
was held behind closed doors, is not for public attention and will not be
included in the trial protocols."

In the most bizarre episodes of the trial, Amir acted as his own attorney
and personally questioned Rubin, one of the two men he allegedly shot.

Rubin first testified that seven bodyguards in two groups covered Rabin. He
was then asked by Amir why Rabin didn't wear a bulletproof vest. He
answered, "We judge the situation and decide if a bulletproof vest is called
for. Vests are worn only in exceptional cases. The bodyguards never wear
them." At this point Rubin makes a rather remarkable statement. "There were
previous warnings that an incident could happen."

Needless to say, if there were prior warnings, then it was up to Rubin to
make certain Rabin was wearing a bulletproof vest. Amir did not jump on this
point, rather he returned to the question of the makeup of Rabin's bodyguard

Amir- You pointed out that seven bodyguards surrounded Rabin.
Rubin- Thre were seven attached to him and twenty in all. I was the
commander of one group, I walked beside him, another preceded him, another
man walked behind him and he was joined by someone to the left, they formed
the pair guarding the rear. One other proceeded forward and another right to
cover the fence on Ibn Gvirol Street.
Amir- You were with Rabin on the left side.
Rubin- No. I didn't walk on his left.

Amir now questioned the security arrangements but did not make his point.
Instead, he digressed, asking questions about whether bulletproof vests can
be discerned under clothing. His attorney, Jonathan Goldberg addressed Rubin
to help get Amir back on the right track.

Defence- Was the protective ring around Rabin different at this rally than
at other events because according to the defendant, he circled the prime
minister and saw that his protective guard was different?
Rubin- It was different.
Defence- The defendant says that at prior events the formation was two
bodyguards on the side, one in front and another in back but this time the
formation was different.
Amir- At the rally when I got into Rabin's range, a hole opened up for me, I
walked around someone and came in from the side. I always wanted to kill
Rabin but I didn't believe that I'd ever have room to push my hand right to
him. But that's what happened in this case. When I walked towards him I saw
a gap open and I shot him in the back.
In round one, Amir admits to murdering Rabin but has planted deep suspicions
that he had help from Rubin and other Shabak agents. He stops just short of
saying he couldn't have done it without their help. Of course, the judges
didn't see it that way. But any other objective observor would ask why Rabin
wasn't wearing a bulletproof vest if warnings against his life were
received, why the bodyguards changed their regular formation that night and
how did they allow the gap to open which permitted Amir an unhampered shot
at the prime minister?

Sent by Barry Chamish - Israeli journalist.
Phone/Fax : (972)-2-9914936
E-Mail    : chamish@netmedia.net.il
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Robalini's Note: This is another Rob.  I have no interest in spirit, truth,
peace, justice, and/or freedom.  I do have an interest in making money.