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Re: Moderation experiment almost over; "put up or shut up"

Greg Broiles writes:
> At 01:13 PM 2/16/97 -0800, Dave Hayes wrote:
> >I can also offer my participation in the distributed mailing list, if
> >that is what it takes to get cypherpunks free of control interests again.
> I think it would be more accurate to say that this is what it takes to get
> cypherpunks into the hands of different control interests. 

Ok. If the legends about this list are true, then this is the ideal
place to determine the feasability of removing -any- control
Dave Hayes - Altadena CA, USA - dave@jetcafe.org 
Freedom Knight of Usenet - http://www.jetcafe.org/~dave/usenet

   The only person who needs a contract is one who cannot be trusted.