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Re: Moderation, Tim, Sandy, me, etc. * Strong crypto == DES?!
E. Allen Smith wrote:
> From: IN%"gnu@toad.com" "John Gilmore" 4-FEB-1997 12:20:22.10
> >Tim, the Cypherpunks have chosen to follow Sandy's lead for this
> >month. I'll admit I made it easy for them, but the results are
> >conclusive. There are 1311 addresses in the cypherpunks list today;
> >42 in the unedited list; and 19 in the flames list. Forty people
> >cared enough to read every posting; the other thousand either wanted
> >to try the experiment -- or didn't care enough to send an email
> >message. Which, as we all know, is a very low threshold.
> You're making an invalid assumption... namely that people who
> stayed on the moderated list are neccessarily wanting it to be the
> main list. This isn't the case with me, for instance. I'd also point
> out that some of us - including me - were taking the time to take a
> look at what happened with the moderated list. On the one hand, it
> did result in a decrease in the trash messages... on the other hand,
> it also drove away 1+ good posters (TCMay for one).
What's really ironic here is that given three people who have knowledge
of crypto/politics and something to say, the lesser two drove the best
one away. Boo, hiss.
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