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Re: Moderation, Tim, Sandy, me, etc. * Strong crypto == DES?!

aaron@herringn.com wrote:
> John Gilmore wrote:
> >I'm glad we're talking about some of the real issues here.
> >Tim, the Cypherpunks have chosen to follow Sandy's lead for this
> >month.  I'll admit I made it easy for them, but the results are
> >conclusive.  There are 1311 addresses in the cypherpunks list today;
> >42 in the unedited list; and 19 in the flames list.  Forty people
> >cared enough to read every posting; the other thousand either wanted
> >to try the experiment -- or didn't care enough to send an email
> >message.  Which, as we all know, is a very low threshold.

Re: the below.  Easily the best and most intelligent suggestion so
far.  Why couldn't Sandy and John with all their experience think
of this?

> If I might make a suggestion:
> Some people want moderation. That's fine, I've never been very big on
> letting other people choose what I read, but some people want it.
> For those who want it, let someone moderate the list for as long as
> they care to do it. Approved messages get a "X-sandy-approved"
> header. The responsibility for setting up a filter to toss everything
> that doesn't have the header is the responsibility of the end user.
> Toad will need to filter incoming posts to make sure they don't come
> "pre-approved", but that's the only hole I can think of.
> Everyone gets all of the Cypherpunks list. Those who want moderation
> filter the unapproved posts, those who want all of it get all of it.
> Hopefully, this will make (almost) everyone happy.