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WANTED: Tolerant, anonymity-friendly news admins 1.03

On 7 Feb 1997, lcs Remailer Administrator wrote:

> aga <aga@dhp.com> writes:
> > Who attacked the network and for what reason?
> Well, as best I can tell I've gotten caught in the crossfire of a
> spam/"anti-spam" spam war.  People are forging articles through
> anonymous remailers to solicit spam to non-spamming customers of
> "spam-friendly" ISPs, in the hopes of driving those customers away.
> In other words, a lot of articles are being posted to groups like
> alt.make.money.fast with headers like:
>  From: customer@isp.under.attack (My^ISP^spams^I^should^switch)
> Then the spam bots collect the addresses, and send lots of mail like
>  To: customer@isp.under.attack (My^ISP^spams^I^should^switch)
>  Subject: Great opportunity!!!
>  My^ISP^spams^I^should^switch,
>  I saw your post the other day, and have an oportunity for you that's
>  so good you can't miss it...
> It would be amusing if it weren't causing me hassles.  Ultimately,
> however, the person doing this is clearly trying to get ISPs to set
> more restrictive policies about what mail/news customers can send,

Well, that is bullshit, and that person needs to be stopped.  Anyone
trying to get more restrictive policies needs weeded out and
identified, and then dealt with.

> while knocking off a few anonymous remailers and mail2news gateways in
> the process.
> > Well, just who is cutting you off and for what reason?
> > And what is their telephone number?
> At issue here are a number of complicated high-level administrative
> issues.  It's not just that someone is trying to pull the plug on me.
> I've been asked by someone who is not the one getting the phone calls
> or exerting anti-mail2news pressure if I would stop using MIT news
> servers.  The reason is that that person needs to maintain good
> relations with the people who are being harassed over the fogery.

Just who is getting harassed over this.  All you need to do is get me
the names and phone numbers, and we will eliminate this problem

> I don't really want to go into details.  

No, do not do it in this list, but respond by a private response
to this address.  This is a place you can trust.

The point is that this
> situation is a lot more subtle than whether the pro-mail2news people
> can "out-harrass" the people complaining about forgeries.  Therefore,
> I would sincerely appreciate it if you did not try to make any phone
> calls or do anything to use up any more of these people's time.

Well, it sounds like you are being a chicken shit now.  The whole
world runs on the telephone, and it all runs by voice, and not by

> fully intend to keep mail2news running, and am just trying to get more
> news servers (after having lost one) to maintain reliability and
> strengthen my position.
> > Just what is your definition of "abuse?"
> This got answered in a separate message.

yes it did.  But why the fuck do you not want to find out who did
this to you?  I mean, Jesus fucking CHRIST!  Let's get some fucking
balls here.  You can not let that mothetfucker get away with that!

All you need is telephone numbers for some VERY nice phone calls.
Learn to use your voice and not just your keyboard.