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Re: lead remailer is shut down
At 21:42 1997-02-07 -0800, Bill Stewart wrote:
>Raph's remailer list is at
> http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~raph/remailer-list.html
>and indicates lots of different remailer features,
>including whether they accept or require PGP,
>and what reliability they've been getting recently.
Thanks, and it worked too...
>The remailer that was shut down was the remailer named "lead";
>you may have noticed that your reply went to a machine named "zinc".....
>At 11:56 PM 2/7/97 +0100, you wrote:
>>Can anybody give me the address of reliable remailer which accepts
>>pgp messages.
>>BTW which remailer was shut down and why?
># Thanks; Bill
># Bill Stewart, +1-415-442-2215 stewarts@ix.netcom.com
># You can get PGP outside the US at ftp.ox.ac.uk/pub/crypto/pgp
># (If this is a mailing list, please Cc: me on replies. Thanks.)