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Re: [Declan McCullagh: "A List Goes Down In Flames," from Netly]

Declan McCullagh <declan@well.com> writes:
>        But the veteran cypherpunk came under heavy fire in November 1996,
>    when a loudmouthed flamer flooded the list with flame bait and ad
>    hominem attacks on various members. Finally, Gilmore, ironically, gave
>    him the boot [...]
>        Indeed, for months Gilmore seemed unable to do anything right. He
>    tried moderation, which proved to be even more contentious, [...]
>        After the expulsion, some of the longtime list denizens left
>    angrily, joining the 700 subscribers who had departed since the
>    controversy began. One of those was Tim C. May, a crusty former Intel
>    engineer who prides himself as the organizer of the first cypherpunk
>    meeting in September 1992. 

Tim left when the moderation experiment started, not after John
unsubscribed Dimitri, and blocked him from re-subscribing.

What does `crusty' mean as applied to a former Intel engineer?

print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<>