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A "Default Faggot"/ was:Dale disses gays.

On Fri, 14 Feb 1997, Anonymous wrote:

> Date: Fri, 14 Feb 1997 12:45:07 -0700
> From: Anonymous <nobody@wazoo.com>
> Reply-To: freedom-knights@jetcafe.org
> To: freedom-knights@jetcafe.org
> Subject: Re: Dale disses gays.
> aga <aga@dhp.com> writes:
> > Now just who is thisa guy? -- who keeps posting under
> > "nobody" at the cajones remailer?  Anybody have him/her
> > tagged yet for the real person?
> Probably multiple people.  It's just an anonymous remailer.
> > ...
> > I don't know.  It has always been easy for me to spot a faggot.  I
> > mean, I can even tell by their voice if they are queer.
> Well, those of us who happen to know Gilmore is straight are not very
> impressed with your accuracy.

Well, I never talked to Gilmore, but I will tell you this:
I have never seen him come outright and say "I am straight and not
gay."  So until he says that, he is a default faggot.

The default faggots are the worst kind.  If a guy would just say
"o.k., I am gay," I can respect him and drop the subject.  It is the
ones who refuse to admit they are gay that bug me the most.