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Re: Senate spams
Greg Broiles wrote:
> > Greg doesn't seem to realize that, without a fellow C2Nut schill to
> >censor the unlobotomotized, his horseshit will no longer go
> >unchallenged.
> Your predictable whining about C2Net and suggestions that everyone
> who disagrees with you is either working for a government and/or out to get
> you hardly qualify as challenges - they seem to rather be on the level of
> Vulis's ascii art, although the rate at which you produce them makes me
> suspect you're still generating them by hand.
How long are you and your bum-buddies at C2Nut going to continue to
try to denigrate god-and-everybody by making out-of-context links to
Dr. Vulis? Is Senator McCarthy alive and well at C2Nut?
Whining? Suggestions?
I'm 'flaming' shit-for-brains, and I'm working from the fact sheets.
Fact: Sammy's pecker-tracks are all over the attempted takeover of
the CypherPunks list.
Fact: John Gilmore turned over control of the CypherPunks list at
toad.com to C2Nut employee Sandy Sandfort, under the pretext of
cutting down on mailbomb attacks.
Fact: List subscribers were forcibly relocated to a list Censored
by C2Nut employee Sandy Sandfort.
Fact: C2Nut employee Sandy Sandfort then proceeded to Censor the
posts to the CypherPunks list in an attempt to blunt criticism of
the takeover of the list.
Fact: C2Nut employee Sandy Sandfort announced that his Censorship
of the CypherPunks list was not based on cryptographical content.
Fact: Sandy Sandfort approved posts to the Censored list that insulted
those who criticized him, while deleting the posts of those who
to those insults.
Fact: C2Nut employee Sandy Sandfort deleted incoming CypherPunks
posts directly, sending them to none of the lists, if they reflected
poorly on his employer, fellow employees, and his supporters.
Fact: Under C2Nut employee Sandy Sandfort's list dictatorship, many
of the so-called 'Evil Dr. Vulis ASCII' spams originated directly
from toad.com, with forged headers. Others originated from the ISP's
of C2Net employees.
Fact: C2Nut's Sameer controls cypherpunks.com on the WWW.
Fact: C2Nut stands to profit from having control of the CypherPunks
Fact: C2Nut's employees were, and are, working in conjunction with
others who have major financial interests that will benefit from control
of the CypherPunks reputation capital.
Fact: C2Nut and their employees apply threats of legal attack, both
directly and indirectly, to those whose words conflict with the goals
of C2Nut and their web of associated interests.
Fact: If C2Nut wants the hidden agendas of themselves and their
associates to remain hidden, then they need better firewalls in place.
> "Challenge", my butt. Better have some more Scotch.
Better to have Scotch in my mouth than my employer's sperm. And I
doubt whether your butt is much of a challenge.
> --
> Greg Broiles | US crypto export control policy in a nutshell:
> gbroiles@netbox.com |
> http://www.io.com/~gbroiles | Export jobs, not crypto.
> |
"The Xenix Chainsaw Massacre"