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Re: PGP 2.1

On 3 Feb 1997 10:46:20 -0500, you wrote:

>Mark Henderson wrote:
>> Larry Johnson writes:
>> > Hello,
>> > Can any;one tell me how to get a version of PGP 2.1?
>> > Thanks
>> >
>> But, why do you want version 2.1?

>Because the guy who wrote it was let off after that on his jail 

Phil Zimmerman?

>charges, so I'm not going to use anything he made after that if

No, the charges were not "jail charges". They were for exporting munitions.
He was let off after 2.5 or 2.6.

The urban myth  is that 2.3a is safe.  You can read the source code
yourself.  2.6.2 is fine. Older versions actually have some minor bugs.

>I don't know why.
>I'm not saying that he rolled over or nothin buyt I'm gonna be
>paranoyd like he said in the book. I dont suposse he'd mind,
>since he said it.

You'd be using a version with holes in it. Why not read the source code
of the new version and verify it's security yourself? (If you can't
undertsand it, it won't matter which version you're using because you're
trusting it no matter what.)

>I'm not real smart sometimes but I'nm not a real lamer, either.
>(I don't think)

Well, start thinking....


"The word to kill ain't dirty     | Robert Rothenburg (WlkngOwl@unix.asb.com)
 I used it in the last line       | http://www.asb.com/usr/wlkngowl/
 but use a short word for lovin'  | Se habla PGP:  Reply with the subject
 and dad you wind up doin' time." | 'send pgp-key' for my public key.