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> Mark Henderson wrote:
> > 
> > Larry Johnson writes:
> > > Hello,
> > > Can any;one tell me how to get a version of PGP 2.1?
> > > Thanks
> > >
> > But, why do you want version 2.1?
> Because the guy who wrote it was let off after that on his jail 
> charges, so I'm not going to use anything he made after that if
> I don't know why.
> I'm not saying that he rolled over or nothin buyt I'm gonna be
> paranoyd like he said in the book. I dont suposse he'd mind,
> since he said it.
> I'm not real smart sometimes but I'nm not a real lamer, either.
> (I don't think)

No, you're not real smart. The source code is _provided_ with PGP. If
you are paranoid, _read_ it.
