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List of GAK supporters

Below is a list of the members of the "Key Recovery Alliance" who are 
working hard to make the world safe for GAK. I intend to boycott them, 
though that may not be possible, since the "Allicance" seems to include just 
about anybody in the computer industy. It is sickening.


Baltimore Technologies nCipher Corp. Boeing NEC
     Cryptomathic Portland Software GemPlus RedCreek
     Communications Frontier Technologies Corp. RPK Fujitsu
     Ltd. Silicon Graphics, Inc. Hitachi Spyrus Open Horizon, Inc.
     Sterling Commerce Intel Tandem IRE Technical
     Communications Corp. Mitsubishi Electric America Toshiba 
America Online, Inc. Mytec Technologies, Inc. Apple
     Computer, Inc. NCR Corp. Atalla Network Systems Group
     of StorageTek Certicom Novell, Inc. Compaq Computer
     Corp. PSA CygnaCom Solutions, Inc. Price Waterhouse
     Cylink Corp. Racal Data Group Data Securities International
     Inc. Rainbow Technologies First Data Corp. RSA Digital
     Equipment Corp. SafeNet Trusted Services Corp. Digital
     Signature Trust Company Secure Computing Corp. Entrust
     Technologies SourceFile Gradient Technologies, Inc. Sterling
     Commerce Groupe Bull Sun Microsystems, Inc.
     Hewlett-Packard Trusted Information Systems, Inc. IBM
     Unisys ICL UPS McAfee Utimaco Mergent Mitsubishi
     Corporation of Japan VPNet Technologies Motorola 

-- Lucky Green <mailto:[email protected]> PGP encrypted mail preferred