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Re: List of GAK supporters

Lucky Green wrote:
>Below is a list of the members of the "Key Recovery Alliance" who are
>working hard to make the world safe for GAK. I intend to boycott them,
>though that may not be possible, since the "Allicance" seems to include just
>about anybody in the computer industy. It is sickening.
>Baltimore Technologies nCipher Corp. Boeing NEC
>     Cryptomathic Portland Software GemPlus RedCreek
>     Communications Frontier Technologies Corp. RPK Fujitsu
>     Ltd. Silicon Graphics, Inc. Hitachi Spyrus Open Horizon, Inc.
>     Sterling Commerce Intel Tandem IRE Technical
>     Communications Corp. Mitsubishi Electric America Toshiba
>America Online, Inc. Mytec Technologies, Inc. Apple
>     Computer, Inc. NCR Corp. Atalla Network Systems Group
>     of StorageTek Certicom Novell, Inc. Compaq Computer
>     Corp. PSA CygnaCom Solutions, Inc. Price Waterhouse
>     Cylink Corp. Racal Data Group Data Securities International
>     Inc. Rainbow Technologies First Data Corp. RSA Digital
>     Equipment Corp. SafeNet Trusted Services Corp. Digital
>     Signature Trust Company Secure Computing Corp. Entrust
>     Technologies SourceFile Gradient Technologies, Inc. Sterling
>     Commerce Groupe Bull Sun Microsystems, Inc.
>     Hewlett-Packard Trusted Information Systems, Inc. IBM
>     Unisys ICL UPS McAfee Utimaco Mergent Mitsubishi
>     Corporation of Japan VPNet Technologies Motorola
I wonder how many of these companies signed up
"just to appear on the list".

Apple, as far as I know, has no GAK project in place.
In fact, as far as I know, the last GAK-related action
that anyone at Apple has participated, was to participate in
the original press release.

This is not meant as a defense of Apple. I have discussed
their support of this organization with senior management there,
and tried to convince them of the errors of their ways. Rather,
it is a comment on their current activities regarding GAK.

Apple also happens to be the one company on that list that
I have non-public knowledge of.

-- Marshall

Marshall Clow     Aladdin Systems   <mailto:[email protected]>

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