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NIST Crypto Notices
Two May 13 Federal Register notices by NIST:
NIST is planning to develop a FIPS for Public-Key Based
Cryptographic Key Agreement and Exchange. This notice
solicits comments regarding techniques for consideration
specifically including RSA, Diffie-Hellman, and Elliptic Curve
techniques. This standard will be for use in designing and
implementing public-key based key agreement and exchange
systems which Federal departments and agencies operate or
which are operated for them under contract. More than one
algorithm may be specified, consistent with sound security
practices, to enable Federal departments and agencies
enhanced flexibility in the design, implementation, and use of
cryptographic systems.
http://jya.com/nist051397.txt (6K)
NIST is planning to develop a proposed revision to Federal
Information Processing Standard 186, Digital Signature
Standard. This revision would specify additional public-key
based digital signature algorithms (in addition to the Digital
Signature Algorithm [DSA]) for use in designing and implementing
public-key based signature systems which Federal departments
and agencies operate or which are operated for them under
contract. The purpose of the revision will be to enable
Federal departments and agencies greater flexibility, consistent
with sound security practices, in the design, implementation,
and use of public-key based digital signature systems.
http://jya.com/dss-rev.txt (6K)