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> (Sadly, we now have several hundred thousand tyrants, mostly in Washington
> and state capitals, who have richly earned this fate...something the
> Founders would be screaming for action about.)
People forget quickly. I honestly believe that today people not only do
not realise what is happening in the world around them, they really do
not care. Most people I know are content just to make a buck and get on
with it, without giving a thought to the rights they lose every day.
I`m sure that public opinion in the UK is more this way than it is in
the US, I may be wrong, however, the fact that I was told by a member
of my immediate family a few days ago "You should be put in a lunatic
asylum" because of my political views does not leave me with a good
feeling about the general state of the population at large, still, it
does leave me with a good feeling when people tell me "you are a danger
to society" as they do not realise the compliment they are giving me!
I truly wish I was of strong enough stuff to constitute a real danger...
I can honestly say that most people I speak with on a day to day basis
would brand me a loon if they ever got into a proper political discussion
with me. This is, of course, a sad state of affairs.
> >The feds may not be aware that the discussions on this list are usually of
> >a theoretical nature. Perhaps they decided to go after the
> >"co-conspirators". Like the anarchists in California with their AR-15's who
> >have so many mags that they can't even remember where they all are. :-)
Hmm, I don`t think this is really relevant though, it makes no difference
whether the discussions are theoretical or practical, they are still
valid discussions.
> I've since found a dozen or so of these clips. Circumstances have motivated
> me to look through some of my packed boxes.
I could not begin to aspire to your collection of rifles and other
defensive weapons Tim, but I too have been placing keys to my gun cabinet
and shells in convenient places for quick access at one of those "4am
black clad ninja just burst through my front door" moments.
> >The fact that Jim is held _without bail_ would indicate to me that there is
> >more going on than might meet the eye.
> >
> Indeed. Lock and load.
Quite, does anyone here have a copy of the warrant they can post? - If I
recall it was left closed? - I only have snatches of messages which
mentioned poisons, anything else of interest on the list?
> We talk about the topics of interest to us. If the media characterizes us
> as "crazies" or "militia members," or as "terrorists," this is just par for
> the course. If, however, police departments and intelligence agencies mark
> us for harassment, arrest, prosecution, forfeiture of assets, etc., then
> this is what guns are for.
I`m starting to believe this suicidal course of action is the only
justified one under the circumstance, however, I have always found guns a
little impersonal, and favour garotting or disemboweling. YMMV.
Datacomms Technologies data security
Paul Bradley, [email protected]
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"Don`t forget to mount a scratch monkey"