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If you build it, they will con, from the Netly News
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Date: Tue, 15 Jul 1997 08:37:30 -0700 (PDT)
From: Declan McCullagh <declan@well.com>
To: fight-censorship@vorlon.mit.edu
Subject: If you build it, they will con, from the Netly News
The Netly News (http://netlynews.com)
July 15, 1997
If You Build It, They Will Con
by Declan McCullagh (declan@well.com)
Perhaps the thinking behind DefCon went something like this: Lure
hundreds of hackers to Las Vegas in the middle of the summer, ply them
with cheap beer, talk about packet sniffing, and observe. Last year
the result was self-organizing chaos, capped by an event where the
hired strippers were upstaged by a band of exhibitionist
conferencegoers. "The pimp was like, 'Oh my God,'" says Dark Tangent,
DefCon's organizer.
Last weekend's fifth annual DefCon may have been a little less
raucous, but it was no less important as a place where hackers from
around the world gather to socialize, gamble -- and glance around
furtively trying to spot the government agents who infiltrate the
convention. (Bonus: If you guess correctly, you can take a prized "I
Spotted the Fed" T-shirt home with you.)