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Re: 7-29_b8_EXTRA_Internet.html

>    "Bringing gaming directly into people's homes, as we are beginning to
>    see through the Internet, is so full of potential problems and so far
>    beyond the ability of any state to regulate that despite whatever
>    business potential it may have it needs to be prohibited on a national
>    level," Bryan said.

Translation: We can't figure out how to tax these pricks so we'll just 
ban it because it represents a perceived threat to our own rigged and 
heavily taxed government sponsored tax collection casino cells.

>    Kyl's bill, backed by the National Association of Attorneys General,
>    would punish those who set up Internet gaming Web sites with a fine of
>    up to $10,000, two years in prison or both. Those who made an online
>    wager would face one year in prison and a $5,000 fine.

Backed by NAAG! Well if that isn't a ringing endorsement I don't know 
what is.

The article quoted starts off with how concerned the gubmint is about the 
possibility of consumer fraud wrt on-line casinos and shows how they 
propose to protect the consumer: 12 months in prison AND a $5000 fine. 
Consumer fraudsters should take note, they have a competitor in the ring!

   .////.   .//    Charles Senescall             [email protected]
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