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Re: Why? (fwd)

Forwarded message:

> Date: Tue, 30 Sep 1997 22:54:15 -0700
> From: Bill Frantz <[email protected]>
> Subject: Re: Why? (fwd)
> At 7:49 PM -0700 9/30/97, Jim Choate wrote:
> >My original question still stands, why would I or any other party choose to
> >use an anonymous remailer for anything other than the original 3 items I
> >mentioned previously.
> Black Unicorn uses a nym to express opinions he expects his coworkers and
> acquaintances would not like.  Anonymous remailers can be used for the same
> purpose.

Ok, I believe that falls under the 'bitching' category.

> I have heard of people's posts being brought up in employment
> interviews.  A rational person might want to express controversial opinions
> anonymously.

And your point is? My personal opinions have nothing to do with my
professional career and yours shouldn't either. I would love to have a
company bring up my past posts, makes it easy to decide if I want to work
there or not.

If you want to work for such a company and you know their views and your
views are in conflict then I would say you need a shrink not an anon.

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   |  -====~~mm-'`-```-mm --'-                         Jim Choate       |
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