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InfoWar 27 / TEXT
The True Story of the InterNet
Part III
Final Frontier of the Digital Revolution
Behind the ElectroMagnetic Curtain
by TruthMonger <[email protected]>
Copyright 1997 Pearl Publishing
InfoWar Table of Contents
* Anarchist Post of the Century
Alex Le Clue
Anarchist Post of the Century
Subject: Mr. Policeman is Your Friend
From: Tim May <[email protected]>
To: [email protected]
>Electronic Frontier Canada's David Jones ([email protected])
>posted the following to the EFC mailing list:
>2. If cops can read E-mail, so can the bad guys
> http://www.efc.ca/pages/media/gazette.24sep97.html
Let's not forget that cops are often the bad guys.
And I don't mean this in a macho, off-the-pigs way. I mean that throughout
history the "cops" are those who have enforced the laws and whims of
tyrants, who have arrested and tortured and executed dissidents and
nonconformists of all flavors, and who were the "King's men" in the times
of the Founders.
Even in more recent decades in the U.S., don't forget it was "cops" who
harassed civil rights workers, who broke up perfectly legal strikes, who
arrested and imprisoned Eugene Debs for speaking out against the draft in
particular and a foolish war, WW 1, in general, and so on. One need only
look to J. Edgar Hoover and his police state measures.
(In fact, the very term "police state" tells us all we need to know about
whether or not "Mr. Policeman is Your Friend" is always, or even most of
the time, true.)
And with full awareness that I am invoking Godwin's Law, the "cops" in
Europe in the 1933-45 period were the enforcers of Hitler's policies.
Here's a list of some folks throughout history and in various regimes who
would likely have reason not to want to escrow their keys with the local
Jews, Catholics, Protestants, atheists, heretics, schismatics, heathens,
poets, authors, Scharansky, Solzhenitsyn, refuseniks, Chinese dissidents,
students in front of tanks, Branch Davidians, Scientologists, Jesus,
Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, African National Congress, UNITA, Thomas Jefferson,
Patrick Henry, colonial rebels, patriots, Tories, Basque separatists,
Algerian separatists, secessionists, abolitionists, John Brown, draft
opponents, communists, capitalists, imperialist lackeys, anarchists,
Charlie Chaplin, Galileo, Joan of Arc,, Martin Luther, Martin Luther King,
Malcolm X, Stokely Carmichael, civil rights workers, Margaret Sanger, birth
control activists, abortionists, anti-abortionists, Michael Miliken, Robert
Vesco, Marc Rich, Nixon's Enemies, Hoover's enemies, Clinton's enemies,
Republicans, Democrats, anarchists, labor organizers, pornographers,
readers of "Playboy," viewers of images of women whose faces are uncovered,
Amateur Action, Jock Sturges, violators of the CDA, alt.fan.karla-homulka
readers, Internet Casino customers, Scientologists, Rosicrucians,
royalists, Jacobeans, Hemlock Society activists, Jimmy Hoffa, John L. Lewis,
Cesar Chavez, opponents of United Fruit, land reformers, Simon Bolivar,
Robin Hood, Dennis Banks, American Indian Movement, Jack Anderson, Daniel
Ellesberg, peace activists, Father Berrigan, Mormons, Joseph Smith,
missionaries, Greenpeace, Animal Liberation Front, gypsies, diplomats, UN
ambassadors, Randy Weaver, David Koresh, Ayatollah Khomeini, John Gotti,
Papists, Ulstermen, IRA, Shining Path, militia members, tax protesters,
Hindus, Sikhs, Lech Walesa, Polish labor movement, freedom fighters,
revolutionaries, Ben Franklin, Thomas Paine, and "suspects"
--Tim May
The Feds have shown their hand: they want a ban on domestic cryptography
Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money,
ComSec 3DES: 408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero
W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA | knowledge, reputations, information markets,
Higher Power: 2^2,976,221 | black markets, collapse of governments.
"National borders aren't even speed bumps on the information superhighway."
Alex Le Clue
Axle Le Clue shook his head in disbelief, as he read the CypherPunks list
post that had been sent by his clueless Doppelganger, Alex Le Heux.
Subject: Re: "Show me an example of terrorists using the Internet or crypto"
From: [email protected] (Alex Le Heux)
To: [email protected]
Bullshit. People in the US rarely use their weapons against oppressive
governments or political turbulence. Most guns that are used against
another person there are used to commit crime or to defend against
those armed criminals.
Anonymous <[email protected]> wrote:
>Let's also take a look at the Dutch performance during their
>occupation. While there certainly were many courageous Dutch people
>who helped refugees (at great personal risk, to say the least), and
>there were many courageous Dutch people who were in the resistance,
>there were also many Dutch people who did not perform so well. Not
>only were a large number of Jewish people turned in by Dutch
>informers, but there were even Dutch SS units.
You have a nerve. You, coming from a country where people are still
regularly killed in the name of racism, tell me this?!
Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0
Charset: noconv
Axle Le Clue had been following this thread, in which a large number of
CypherPunks had contributed their perspective, to little effect, for the
most part.
Alex Le H[clu]e[less]ux, despite a variety of sensible, well-reasoned posts
by a number of different American CypherPunks, seemed to remain, in his own
mind, a world-class expert on a country in which he did not reside.
What was especially sad, was that the poor, dumb fucker wasn't even a spook.
Axle Le Clue decided that, since the rather civil posts by the other list
members were not helping his clueless twin from across the sea to come
half-way to his senses, that he would step into his VerityMonger suit and
bring the boy up to speed on what an ignorant asshole he was making of
It was the least he could do for an evil twin�
Subject: When you realize that you're too stupid to live, you can borrow my
From: [email protected] (Axle Le Clue)
To: [email protected]
Did you know that all Europeans are exactly 5' 7" tall, have light brown
hair and limp slightly when they walk? I know this because I watch TV and
that makes me a goddamn fucking expert on you low-life foreigners who aren't
like us, over here.
If you disagree with my view of your region of the world, then why don't you
get your head out of your fucking ass so that you have an outside chance of
expressing an opinion or viewpoint that you didn't suck out of the cocks of
the mass media when it comes to our region of the world.
I saw a news story on TV the other day about two senior citizens who drew
down on a would-be robber in a restaurant, or some such, using their illegal
guns, which they carried for their own protection.
Yep, I saw it in the news once.
Today some kid slashed his mater's throat, and then went to school and
whacked out a couple of his classmates with a rifle. I have seen this every
half-fucking-hour since it happened, and will no doubt be shown all of the
messy details another few hundred times before the mass media who seem to be
in charge of spoon-feeding people like yourself their world-view is done
creating your reality for you.
You want nerve, pal? I've got the fucking nerve to suggest that you petition
your fucking government to take in a few million US government created
nigger crack-heads, so that your country can teach our citizens how to treat
them with love and respect.
To tell the truth, I'd rather you took the white-bread junkies, because my
nigger drug addict acquaintances have treated me much better than my honkey
junkie pals.
Correct me if I'm wrong (but I never am), but it seems to me that Europe is
not even interested in saving our Black-African Americans from the horrible
abuse they suffer as a result of our country's racism. Come and get 'em�see
if they'll go.
The US has racial problems because we have different races. We also have a
whole shitload of racial harmony.
All over the world, there are a variety of countries engaged in mass murder
and genocide, at any given point in time. You try coming to the US and
slaughtering even a few thousand of any particular race, religion, or ethnic
group, and you won't even be able to take a wild guess at the number of
people of various races, religions and ethnic groups that will be on your
ass like shit on stink.
You hypocritical piece of shit--having the fucking audacity to conceitedly
brag about how the people of Europe have "put the crap of WWII behind us"
and suggest that it is something that we "haven't managed to do."
Want the cold, hard facts of life, Bubba?
You didn't put WWII 'behind' you. We did!
Gun-loving Americans conquered your continent and gave you your countries
back instead of enslaving you, like every other winner in history has done.
Some of us discriminate against Jews. Do you know why?
Because we HAVE some!
We were giving them refuge while Europe was massacring them by the millions.
Now you have the balls to say we're not all treating them right all of the
Buy a fucking clue!
Fascism hadn't died, it has just gone underground and crept into every facet
of life through the corporate and government power mongers.
The government and the mass media are working the citizens like dumb fish on
a hook, who are still trying to swallow the worm. There is a New World Order
on the way, and it isn't going to be any prettier than the last time it was
You can dismiss as paranoid ranters and ravers, those who decry the
increasing loss of our freedom and privacy, but you would be better served
to listen and learn from them, rather than criticize their determination to
defend their liberty, to the death, if necessary.
Why? Because these are the same people who defended Europe's liberty, to the
The danger is not the freedom lovers who are armed and declaring the line
they will not let others step over, in compromising their rights and
The danger is the sheeple who believe the government and their media shills
when they say that the Thought Police only want Austria. The Privacy Police
only want the Jews.
The danger is the sheeple who buy the government lie that they need to deny
us our rights and freedoms to solve the problems that they, themselves, have
If you can't see this clearly, then there is nothing that I or any of the
other CypherPunks can say to change your perception of the source of
creeping fascism that is leading to yet another attempt to create a New
World Order.
I love the American people. I despise the secret American government. I feel
the same about many other countries I have lived in or visited.
I do not want to see your children, or mine, fighting in the future over
what color to paint their prison cells, instead of fighting to escape, and
be free. When the cattle cars stop at the end of the line, the people you
find there are not nearly as civil and reasonable as the ones who checked
your identity cards at the beginning of the trip, to make sure that you were
properly processed according to your rights under the law.
I think you are an idiot to believe that the threat of weapons in the hands
of the citizens is a greater threat than weapons only in the hands of the
rich and powerful. However, if Europe is conquered by the forces of evil,
once again, I am sure that myself and many other Americans will do what we
can to come pull your ass out of the fire.
It may take a little longer, this time, though, since we may have to kick
our own fascist government's ass before we come kick the shit out of your
No need to thank us�it's just the way Americans are.
"If you want to conquer the world, you're going to have to come through me."
("Do you feel lucky, Hitler? Well�do you?)
Copyright "Anonymous TruthMonger <[email protected]>"
"You can't get there from here."
"The Xenix Chainsaw Massacre"
"WebWorld & the Mythical Circle of Eunuchs"
"InfoWar (Part III of 'The True Story of the InterNet')
Soviet Union Sickle of Eunuchs Secret WebSite