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Re: Request for illegal electronic surveillance examples and cases

At 11:33 AM 10/02/1997 -0700, you wrote:
>Thanks, all, for the suggestions. Unfortunately my time is limited: my
>deadline is tonight. I'm working on a roundup of pre-reported
>cases, not reporting out new ones. (at least for this project)
>My best source so far is the 1976 Church Committee documents. Gentry's bio
>of J. Edgar Hoover is a good one too. Burnham lent me a copy of his "Above
>the Law" book about the DoJ which I haven't finished yet. Haven't read
>Puzzle Palace in a while, probably don't have time to reread that.

Another good book, not that you'll be able to find it by last night, is
"L.A. Secret Police", which was an expose' of the Darryl Gates LAPD's
shadier activities.  It's a bit sensationalist, but adds some local-police
balance to the usual Federal cases.
Bill Stewart, [email protected]
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