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Re: Stronghold
Dimitri and Cloned Anonymees continued the rotten-egging of
Stronghold faults:
If there's a fault in Stronghold, expose it, in detail, for merely
proclaiming there is, is sour grapes commercial knocking of a
superior product, or worse, evidence of complicity with
those dark forces who want to prevent global spread of strong
products. Sniff that rhetoric.
It's the same old Backdoor gossip, as with PGP (freeware
version, not the latest Freehware, which is evil, evil, how could
you Phil?).
Using the threat of a lawsuit as grounds to prevent disclosure
is shrewd way of avoiding having to document an allegation.
Dimitri, you're one smart son of a bitch, and my hat off to your
genius at the dirty business of defamation, no holds barred.
Defaming an eating-your-lunch competitor is fair play, as C2
shows how to call your bluff with a bullshit legal bluff.
Anybody with a reliable info on a hidden backdoor in Stronghold
or Dimitri or me, as with PGP, should get the evidence out for
verification. Otherwise, such ranting is just trash talk of the
bluffing game.
Dimitri, out with Stronghold's fault, if you've got it. C2, cut the
legal bluff, it stinks. The badmouthing by both of you is the same old
toxic waste -- and may mean the two of you're are now in cahoots
to boost each other's shoddy goods and hide the faults behind a
phony dispute, like 50 years of mock competitive Ameri-Russky
junk national security communist-capitalist racketeering so beloved
by die-hard globalist TLAs of business and government.
And I'm eager to rotten-egg it onward.