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   Internet taxation
     The nation's governors and local officials, already having
     difficulty collecting taxes on catalog sales, said Friday, October
     17, a bill aimed at restricting new taxes on the Internet would
     worsen their problems.
     Full Story
     Should states collect taxes on the net?
     Dan Grawe - 10:49am Oct 19, 1997 ET
   (#1 of 7)
   Nothing says "GREED" like a politician with too much idle time. When
   will there be an end to oppressive taxation. I'm not apposed to paying
   taxes, but good Lord, do they have to tax everything. I think we need
   to get the air conditioning taken out of the government buildings, so
   they don't sit around thinking up new and better ways to put the
   screws to the people who already pay their way.
   joseph herr - 01:15pm Oct 19, 1997 ET (#2 of 7)
   ...the internet is uniting the whole planet together in a smarter,
   more organic , more honest way, its improving everything and giving
   all of us easier, more logical alternative solutions in energy ,
   education, food , work and communications ...how can politicians
   destroy something this good and free ? one way is with taxes....lets
   stand united against the politicians corrupt tricks to start
   manipulating this wonderful new tool for growth and democracy...lets
   leave taxes, obsolete religion manipulators, crime and absurd greedy
   politics out from this wonderful new peaceful way....global peace....
   Matthew Snyders - 01:28pm Oct 19, 1997 ET (#3 of 7)
   I am not at all surprised that some brain-dead politicians who would
   sell their daughters into slavery for a little cold cash would attempt
   to tax the Internet.
   Joseph Herr: If we were to stand united against this, how could we?
   What would we do?
   Michael Mendenhall - 01:34pm Oct 19, 1997 ET (#4 of 7)
   No article I've yet to review has provided a coherent argument for the
   public-policy which would be satisfied by Internet taxation. Nothing
   concerns me more than politic automatons who cannot resist the urge of
   government interference in commerce for the sake of government
   control. Few realize that the technology industry of the past decade
   is primarily responsible for our comparative advantage over foreign
   markets. Taxing Internet activity will be the foothold which turns
   this tide.
   David Lefavour - 01:45pm Oct 19, 1997 ET (#5 of 7)
   The Internet is already taxed through the existing telephone tax
   collections. Special taxes for the Internet is simply another example
   of double taxation. Most of us are fully aware of the objectives
   behind such efforts and we have had it up to our noses with this
   The time to put a halt to this is already past due.
   William V. Beshlian - 02:03pm Oct 19, 1997 ET (#6 of 7)
   Doesn't local government already collect taxes from our local phone
   and cable companies that most of us use to get to our Internet Service
   Providers? That being the case, we are already being taxed once. This
   appears to be an attempt at taxing us twice for the same service.
   Think about it......
   Michael Benezra - 02:37pm Oct 19, 1997 ET (#7 of 7)
   Any government that would dare tax the Internet will find Internet
   businesses fleeing that country and operating from a different local.
   After all, on the Internet it does not matter where you are, but what
   you provide to your customers. If you operate from the US or Hong Kong
   does not make a difference to anyone.
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