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Re: CDR design document

At 10:55 PM 2/21/97 GMT, Adam Back wrote:
>Here is a proposal for consideration for inclusion in the OpenPGP
>	http://www.dcs.ex.ac.uk/~aba/cdr/

Great work, Adam!  Pursuant to some of the recent rants on cypherpunks, I
would like to see a proposal for a secret sharing mechanism that would
allow the recovery of a storage-only key with m of n shares in the event
that the passphrase to the storage key is unavailable, with the following

1. Secret-sharing should be strongly discouraged for signature and
communication keys, for obvious anti-GAK/GACK reasons.

2. The values of m and n should be definable by the generator of (or anyone
who knows the passphrase to) the storage key.

3. The sharing algorithm and format of the share packets should be
standardised, so that any open-pgp compliant application can recover the
storage key without a passphrase, given the key and a sufficient number of
valid shares.

Jonathan Wienke

What part of "the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be
infringed" is too hard to understand? (From 2nd Amendment, U.S. Constitution)

PGP 2.6.2 RSA Key Fingerprint: 7484 2FB7 7588 ACD1  3A8F 778A 7407 2928
DSS/D-H Key Fingerprint: 3312 6597 8258 9A9E D9FA  4878 C245 D245 EAA7 0DCC
Public keys available at pgpkeys.mit.edu. PGP encrypted e-mail preferred.

US/Canadian Windows 95/NT or Mac users:
Get Eudora Light + PGP 5.0 for free at http://www.eudora.com/eudoralight/
Get PGP 5.0 for free at http://bs.mit.edu:8001/pgp-form.html

Non-US PGP 5.0 sources:

RSA export-o-matic:
print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<>

Stupidity is the one arena of of human achievement where most people
fulfill their potential.

PGP signature